Tender for Supply of Research Databases Scottish Enterprise has a requirement to tender for a suite of databases. The tender will consist of 14 Lots. United Kingdom-Glasgow: Database services 2019/S 238-584151 Contract notice Services Legal Basis: Directive 2014/24/EU Section I: Contracting authority I.1)Name and addresses Official name: Scottish Enterprise Postal address: Atrium Court, 50 Waterloo Street Town: Glasgow NUTS code: UKM82 Postal code: G2 6HQ Country: United Kingdom E-mail: gordon.hutton@scotent.co.uk Telephone: +44 1412482700 Fax: +44 1412481600 Internet address(es):Main address: http://www.scottish-enterprise.com/ Address of the buyer profile: https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/search/Search_AuthProfile.aspx?ID=AA00398 I.2)Information about joint procurement I.3)Communication The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of
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